S-100 Protein from Bovine Brain
The Californer/10269467

SAN DIEGO - Californer -- S-100 Protein from Bovine Brain

S-100 Protein from Bovine Brain is a high quality S-100 Protein from Bovine Brain. This product has been used as a molecular tool for various biochemical applications. It has also been used in a wide array of other chemical and immunological applications. Custom bulk amounts of this product are available upon request.

S-100 Protein from Bovine Brain
Catalog number:
Lot number: Batch Dependent
Expiration Date: Batch dependent
Amount: 1 mg
Molecular Weight or Concentration: 6,000-6,500
Supplied as: Lyophilized
Applications: a molecular tool for various biochemical applications

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Storage: -20°C
Keywords: S-100 Protein, Bovine Brain
Grade: Biotechnology grade. All products are highly pure. All solutions are made with Type I ultrapure water (resistivity >18 MΩ-cm) and are filtered through 0.22 um.

1: Donato R. Effect of S-100 protein on assembly of brain microtubule proteins in vitro FEBS Lett. 1983 Oct 17;162(2):310-3.
2: Cochran AJ, Lu HF, Li PX, Saxton R, Wen DR. S_100_protein remains a practical marker for melanocytic and other tumours Melanoma Res. 1993 Oct;3(5):325-30.


Molecular Depot

Source: Molecular Depot

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