Popular Vote Movement looking for more volunteers and donors
The Californer/10276245

Popular Vote Movement is a determined organization that is working tirelessly to guarantee the Presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular vote across all 50 States and the District of Columbia.

LOS ANGELES - Californer -- Popular Vote Movement is a determined organization that is working tirelessly to guarantee the Presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular vote across all 50 States and the District of Columbia. Our objective is to get the citizens of our country supporting a Popular Vote system and a constitutional amendment to abolish the electoral college.

Popular Vote Movement is looking volunteers and donors to help us launch an aggressive ad campaign through the 2024 election cycle. "We need the community to get involved at all levels to accomplish what approximately 70 percent of our country supports. Moving towards a popular vote for President and abolishing the electoral college." Said Mike Rogers the Popular Vote Movement volunteer coordinator.

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As the only nationally recognized organization that has a sole focus on a Popular Vote for President Constitutional Amendment, we greatly appreciate anyone who can support our endeavor by following us on Instagram @popularvotemovement or to help advance this crucial movement.

Your donation to Popular Vote Movement enables our national and local representatives to reach out to members of Congress, Senators, and State Legislators, on a year-round basis to express member and voter support for a constitutional amendment.

Donate or visit Popular Vote Movement

Popular Vote for President


Source: AP News
Filed Under: Non-profit

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