TVS Records Drops Capehart Pops Orchestra Goes Country EP on 40 Top Worldwide Streaming Platforms
The Californer/10301112

The six song EP includes top pop country hits performed in an easy listening instrumental 'Beautiful Music' style. Crying Time, Can't You See, Painted Tainted Rose, Flowers on the Wall, Mama Tried, and Smoky Mountain Raid are showcased.

CANTIL, Calif. - Californer -- TVS Records has dropped a six song EP entitled Capehart Pops Orchestra Goes Country  on more than 40 leading worldwide digital music streaming platforms. The songs are top pop country songs of the 20th Century performed in an easy listening instrumental fashion.

Songs on the Capehart Pops Orchestra Goes Country EP include Smoky Mountain Rain, Crying Time, Painted Tainted Rose, Can't You See, Mama Tried, and Flowers on the Wall. All were Cash Box Top 40 Country hit songs of the 1960's and 1970's.

Capehart Pops Orchestra is a TVS Records artist group consisting of sessions musicians from Hollywood, Bakersfield, and Las Vegas performing the top pop hit songs of the 20th Century in an instrumental easy listening style. The artist records in all popular genres including rock and roll, standard pop, R+B, blues, folk, disco, and jazz.

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Capehart Pops Orchestra Goes Country is currently available on leading digital music streaming platforms such as Spotify, Tik Tok, Amazon Music, Apple Music, iTunes Store, Shazam, Napster, Pandora, Tidal, SoundCloud, iHeart Radio, You Tube Music, and iMusica.

TVS Records is a new age major record label, with production, promotion, publishing, manufacturing, and distribution in one entity. More than 500 TVS songs are recorded each year in TVS Studios from Hollywood, Bakersfield, San Francisco, Reno, Las Vegas, New Orleans, and Atlanta.

Tom Ficara

Source: TVS Television Network
Filed Under: Music, #TVSTVNetworks

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