Yeast Lysis Buffer Kit Plus Zymolyase
The Californer/10271217

SAN DIEGO - Californer -- Yeast Lysis Buffer Kit Plus Zymolyase

Yeast Lysis Buffer Kit Plus Zymolyase is a high quality buffer useful for extraction of soluble proteins from yeast cells. This product has been used as a molecular tool for various biochemical applications. It has also been used in a wide array of other chemical and immunological applications. Custom bulk amounts of this product are available upon request.

Yeast Lysis Buffer Kit Plus Zymolyase
Catalog number:
Lot number: Batch Dependent
Expiration Date: Batch dependent
Amount: 100 preps
Molecular Weight or Concentration: N/A
Supplied as: Solution
Applications: a molecular tool for various biochemical applications
Storage: -20°C

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Keywords: Yeast Lysis Buffer Kit plus Zymolyase
Grade: Biotechnology grade. All products are highly pure. All solutions are made with Type I ultrapure water (resistivity >18 MΩ-cm) and are filtered through 0.22 um.

1: Vermeersch L, Jariani A, Helsen J, Heineike BM, Verstrepen KJ. Single-Cell RNA Sequencing in Yeast Using the 10× Genomics Chromium Device Methods Mol Biol. 2022;2477:3-20.
2: Matsuo Y, Nishino K, Mizuno K, Akihiro T, Toda T, Matsuo Y, Kaino T, Kawamukai M. Polypeptone induces dramatic cell lysis in ura4 deletion mutants of fission yeast PLoS One. 2013;8(3):e59887.

Molecular Depot

Source: Molecular Depot

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