BML Social Club (Black Moon Lilith Social Club)
The Californer/10301924

BML "lifestyle" parties start with drinks and conversation, ending in intimate interactions

LOS ANGELES - Californer -- Lilith, or "Black Moon Lilith," is a point in your birth chart that reveals your personality's hidden or taboo parts. It indicates where you've kept your true desires secret to avoid criticism or rejection. This hidden side, often called your shadow, represents everything society considers forbidden or unacceptable. In modern astrology, Black Moon Lilith (BML) is a point in a birth chart that represents the hidden or taboo parts of a person's personality: BML is a modern astrological concept that dates to the late 20th century. The archetype of Lilith is ancient, predating even the alphabet.

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BML represents the untamable spirit of people who are marginalized or exiled from dominant social structures. It can also indicate where someone has kept their true desires hidden to avoid criticism or rejection. BML takes about a year to make its way through all 12 signs.

When a person's natal Black Moon is triggered, it can signal that a dark force is working against them.

Positive influence. BML can have a positive influence, and when tapped into, it can help people feel empowered.

Negative influence.
If a person doesn't find a way to fight BML's negative influence, they can feel intense anxiety, anger, passion, and manipulation.

There are true and mean calculations for BML. The mean calculation is based on the average of the wobbles in the Moon's elliptical orbit around Earth.

Source: Knowledge + Wisdom = Understanding
Filed Under: Lifestyle

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