City of Long Beach Encourages Community to Be Storm Smart
The Californer/10299301

Long Beach, CA ~ Long Beach, CA - As the wet weather storm season approaches, the City of Long Beach is taking proactive measures to promote community preparedness. The Be Storm Smart campaign, launched by the city, aims to educate and empower residents on how to effectively prepare for storms and other severe wet weather events.

Mayor Rex Richardson expressed the importance of being prepared for heavy storms, stating that they can take a toll on the community. He emphasized the city's commitment to ensuring that their systems are prepared and shared tips and tools with residents so that everyone can be ready.

The Be Storm Smart campaign will feature a series of social media posts and videos providing guidance on storm preparedness and general emergency awareness best practices. It will also highlight the city's comprehensive storm preparedness and mitigation measures, as well as any relevant operational announcements.

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Residents can also find valuable information on, which serves as a central news and resource hub for up-to-date storm safety and preparedness information. The webpage now includes an interactive map where residents can locate the nearest Long Beach Fire Department Station to pick up sandbags and sand ahead of a significant weather system. It also provides instructions on how to sign up for Alert Long Beach, the city's emergency notification system. The webpage will be regularly updated with operational announcements ahead of any major storm.

The campaign resources will be shared on and on the city's social media pages at @LongBeachCity by following #LBRain and #BeStormSmart.

Reggie Harrison, Director of the Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Communications Department, stressed the potential risks that severe weather systems can bring. He urged residents to take necessary steps now to prepare for the upcoming storm season in order to minimize these risks and ensure everyone's safety.

The City of Long Beach encourages all residents, businesses, and community organizations to work together in building a stronger and more resilient community. By being storm smart and prepared, the community can effectively minimize the impact of severe weather events.

Filed Under: Government, City

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