Oil & Gas Workers Association Endorses Allen Mashburn for Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina
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Ogwa Allen Mashburn Endorsement Allen Mashburn for Lt. Governor
Oil & Gas Workers Association, who just recently endorsed President Donald J. Trump for 2024, has formally endorsed America First Candidate Allen Mashburn to be the 36th Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina.

RALEIGH, N.C. - Californer -- The Oil & Gas Workers Association has announced they have formally endorsed Allen Mashburn in his bid to become the 36th Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina succeeding the incumbent Mark Robinson, who is running for Governor.

In a statement released by president and founder of OGWA Matt Coday, he stated:

Our oil and gas jobs, economy, America's energy independence, and our national security are under attack. America's Oil & Gas Workers need leaders in every state who will stand up for the truth and fight back against USA jobs-killing "Green New Deal" policies that hurt every American.

Allen Mashburn deeply understands the issues facing the great State of North Carolina and our nation. Mr. Mashburn is a servant leader who knows the struggles of hardworking families. As Lieutenant Governor and Chairman of the Energy Policy Council, Allen Mashburn will serve to bring people together and promote sensible policies that lower gas prices, grocery prices, taxes, and home utility bills for everyone.

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Oil & Gas Workers Association proudly endorses Allen Mashburn for Lieutenant Governor and
encourages all North Carolinians to support him with your vote on March 5, 2024.

The Oil & Gas Workers Association is headquartered in Odessa, Texas and boasts a membership of over 47,000 oil and gas workers from thirty-three states.

Mashburn's campaign for Lt. Governor has received a growing number of endorsements from national, state, and local figures. Among them are Veterans for Trump, Riley Gaines, Students for Trump Ryan Fournier, Duck Dynasty star John Godwin, Leo Terrell, Eric Metaxas, women's sports activist Payton McNabb, Classical Conversations CEO Robert Bortins, and journalist John Stubbins.

His campaign and bold positions have been featured on The Eric Metaxas Show, The David Webb Show, American Family Radio, The Jenna Ellis Show, Refining Rhetoric with Robert Bortins, and Indivisible with John Stubbins.

Additionally Steve Bannon, former Chief Strategist for President Donald J. Trump and host of War Room has voiced support for Mashburn's run for Lieutenant Governor.  Bannon doesn't personally endorse, but recently stated at an event in Pinehurst, "Allen Mashburn and Mark Robinson would make a hell of a team in North Carolina."

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Mashburn stated he was "honored and humbled to receive this endorsement from the Oil & Gas Workers Association. I'm very thankful to OGWA for the confidence they have placed in our campaign."

Learn more about Allen Mashburn at www.Allen4NC.com or read his latest article published by Blaze Media here.

Allen Mashburn for Lt. Governor of NC

Source: Oil & Gas Workers Association
Filed Under: Business, Consumer, Financial

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