San Jose: Public Review Draft MND: 1271 & 1279 East Julian Street Multi-Family Residential Project (H22-034, T22-033, ER22-208) Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
The Californer/10262018

~ The City of San Jose is proposing a seven-story multi-family residential project at 1271 and 1279 East Julian Street. The project includes 140 apartment units in a mix of one, two, and three bedroom configurations, enclosed parking on the first and second floor levels, office space, common space courtyards, a community gathering facility, and rentable storage space. The proposed project also includes a Tentative Map approval to merge the two existing lots into a single lot.

The public is invited to review and comment on the Draft MND for the project. The public comment period begins Wednesday, November 22nd and ends Tuesday, December 12th at 5:00 p.m. Comments can be sent to Nhu Nguyen, Environmental Project Manager at or mailed to Department of Planning, Building and Code Enforcement at 200 E. Santa Clara Street Tower 3 in San Jose.

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The proposed project will require Site Development Permit (File No H22-034) to allow for demolition of two existing single-family residences and an accessory structure as well as construction of the seven-story building. The two parcels have a gross acreage of 0.97 acres with Assessor's Parcel Numbers 249-66-009 and 249-66-010 respectively.

For more information about the project visit

Filed Under: Government, City

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