TVS Bowling Network Has Been Launched on WatchYour.TV Powered by Tulix
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TVS Bowling Network is a 24/7 streaming FAST Channel, one of 40 TVS FAST channels on the WatchYour.TV platform. It has begun with a showcase of Championship Bowling, the seminal bowling TV show from the 1950's.

CANTIL, Calif. - Californer -- TVS Bowling Network, a 24/7 streaming FAST channel featuring classic and current bowling, has been established on the WatchYour.TV platform, powered by Tulix. The channel is presented by Bowling Illustrated Magazine. It is one of eight channels in the TVS Sports Bundle on WatchYour.TV.

Programming on the TVS Bowling Network begins with the seminal Championship Bowling series, which transformed bowling into a national sport in the 1950's. The Walter Schwimmer Production made the top bowlers in the USA national figures, and directly led to the formation of the PBA.

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Other classic  programming being added to the channel in 2024 includes Top Star Bowling, Make That Spare, Jackpot Bowling, Candlepin Bowling, LPBT Bowling, PBA Senior Bowling, PBA Regional Bowling and Bowling Stars. New TVS First Look Original programming to be added includes  Bowlarama, Challenge Cup Bowling, College Challenge Bowling, Big Shot Bowling, Las Vegas Celebrity Bowling, and LPBT Bowlers Showcase.

Other 24/7 streaming FAST channels in the TVS Sports Bundle on WatchYour.TV includes TVS All American Network, TVS Classic Sports Network, TVS WomenSport Network, TVS Tavern TV Network, TVS Turbo Network, TVS TeleSports Network, TVS Action Sports Network, and TVS Boxing Network. In all there are 40 TVS channels on WatchYour.TV, covering sports, music, entertainment and lifestyle channels.

Tom Ficara

Source: TVS Television Network

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