Liability Limits in California Increase Starting 1/1/25
The Californer/10301135

LOS ANGELES - Californer -- If you're a California resident, you know that car insurance is already expensive, but the good news is that the new limits will hardly impact your wallet and you'll be better protected if you cause an accident. Prior years' liability limits were out of touch with how expensive car replacement, car parts and skilled labor have become ever since inflation hit a high. Medical costs are also at an all-time high and will not be decreasing. Here are the specifics in limit changes.

If you've seen an incremental increase in car insurance in January, now you know why. Formerly, liability limits were 15/3/5 and increased in 2025 to 30/60/15:

$30,000 bodily injury or death per person

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$60,000 bodily injury or death per accident
$15,000 property damage per accident
Or, in lieu of coverage: $75,000 cash deposit with the DMV as proof of minimum financial responsibility (formerly $35,000).

Liability Coverage Does Not Cover At-fault Accidents
If you're determined to have caused an accident, your liability coverage will not cover you, only the damages and injuries you caused.

You will not get a claim payout from your insurance company if you're the person at fault, unless you have collision coverage.

You will not get a claim payout if your car is vandalized or stolen unless you have comprehensive coverage.

Collision and comprehensive often are purchased together and, when bundled, are called full coverage.

For more on the liability increase in California, visit

Source: SmartFinancial
Filed Under: Consumer

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