Miracles of Faith Community Church Mourns The Sudden Accidental Passing Of International HIV/AIDS Advocate & Survivor, Professor Harold S. Brown
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The Miracles of Faith Community Church in East Oakland, join with the family of their recently retired Pastor Emeritus Greggory Brown in grieving Pastor Brown's elder brother, Professor Harold S. Brown. Professor Brown died in a tragic traffic accident in Indianapolis, Indiana as a passenger in a medical transport vehicle.

OAKLAND, Calif. - Californer -- The family, friends, and colleagues of 77 -year-old Harold S. Brown are grieving the tragic and unexpected death of their internationally esteemed loved one due to a traffic accident on, April 4, 2024 in Indianapolis, Indiana.  The Miracles of Faith Community Church in East Oakland, join with the family of their recently retired Pastor Emeritus Greggory Brown in grieving Pastor Brown's elder brother.  In July 2023, Pastor Brown retired after 20 years serving in the East Oakland Community with a heart for social justice and serving "the least of these, my brothers" with his wife, author and poet, Mary Lessen Brown. They retired to St. Petersburg, Florida.  Pastor Brown's brother Harold S. Brown was an inspiration and example for social change and advocacy.

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A leader and a mentor of clergyman and community leaders beginning with his own family of seven brothers and one sister born to the late Harold Brown Sr. and Bettie Brown, Harold Brown's achievements spanned the state of Indiana, Washington, D.C., and Europe. He was the second born of a family of nine children.

The first in his family to graduate from college, attaining a Bachelor's Degree from Indiana Central College, a Master of Arts and having pursued the Doctor of Philosophy at New York University in NYC., Professor Brown's faith in God and hope in Jesus Christ gave him the courage to become a civil rights activist as early as the 1960's.  Due to his leadership, his siblings are now ordained ministers, college graduates, including a Ph.D. and a D.D.

Professor Brown served as an academic counselor at Indiana University in Indianapolis, and later an Indiana State Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor (VRC), successfully helping people through rehabilitation and back to employment. He eventually became the ad hoc children's ambassador for the International Year of the Child in 1979.

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Among his varied roles, Professor Brown served as Assistant Dean of the New York Institute of Technology at the Manhattan Campus, and later Dean of Student Affairs at New York City Community College of City University of New York.

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Video tribute: https://youtu.be/dNZT6aN15_k?si=IpV9YkeDejavLenh

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Source: Wright Enterprises, www.wrightnow.biz

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