Lobbyist Training Ensures Organizations Receive Representation at the State Capitol
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Capitol Seminars
Capitol Seminars offers California governmental affairs training to many types of organizations including nonprofits, trade associations, individual companies, labor unions, state agencies, professional associations, local governments, and educational institutions throughout the state.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. - Californer -- The workings of California state government can be mysterious and intimidating.. However, ignoring what happens in Sacramento can be a costly decision for individuals and every type of organization in the state.

"All Californians are affected by decisions made in Sacramento. Capitol Seminars' training enables attendees to understand the governmental process and promotes effective participation in ways that help ensure more favorable outcomes," said Ray LeBov, Capitol Seminars' founder and CEO.

Capitol Seminars custom training sessions are tailored to address an organization's specific learning objectives and optimal class size. Running for as little as one hour to as much as multiple days, the central custom sessions address the essentials of the legislative process, as well as advocacy best practices, with the deepest coverage devoted to the specific aspects that the client has identified as most important. Capitol Seminars' staff conducts a complimentary pre-seminar meeting to ensure that the session will be tailored to precisely meet the needs and desires of the requesting organization's full membership, officers, board of directors, legislative committee, lobbyists, staff or advocacy volunteers.

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Capitol Seminars custom sessions focusing on the state budget and regulatory agencies are also available. Also, Capitol Seminars features customized presentations for individuals.

Prepared and presented by 49-year Capitol veteran Ray LeBov, and other highly qualified faculty, the sessions are informative, productive, and rewarding. Providing attendees with knowledge and insight from years of experience, Capitol Seminars delivers training that is comprehensive and filled with insider knowledge

Over the past 15 years, Capitol Seminars has trained more than 4,000 people to understand and participate in the state's governmental processes.

Custom session clients have included nonprofits, trade associations, individual companies, labor unions, state agencies, professional associations, local governments, and educational institutions among others. Ray LeBov said, "Our prime modality is presentation through Zoom, enabling us to deliver to an organization without the worry and hassle of getting everyone to one location while still getting the one-on-one attention that is available in an in-person session. In some circumstances, in-person sessions are available upon request."

More on The Californer
Ray LeBov concluded, "We know from feedback that the sessions have proven valuable to people in many different roles and departments of a wide range of organizational entities. .

Learn more by visiting www.CapitolSeminars.net

Stephanie Baker

Source: Capitol Seminars

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