Inframark Executes Multi-Year Wastewater Operations and Maintenance Contract with Fayetteville, Arkansas
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KATY, Texas - Californer -- Inframark, a leading provider of water and wastewater operations and maintenance (O&M) services across the U.S., announced today a multi-year contract with the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas.

Under this new long-term partnership, Inframark will operate and maintain the City's two wastewater treatment plants, lift stations, biosolids management program and laboratory. The transition from the City's former long-time operator begins January 1, 2025, and preparations are already underway. Inframark has assembled and mobilized a multi-functional team to support a seamless transition for the City and the community.

Inframark will deliver O&M of the Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant, Noland Wastewater Treatment Plant, lift stations, onsite laboratory and Biosolids Management Site, which includes biosolids application.

"We are beyond enthusiastic to begin a new legacy of operations and maintenance services with the City of Fayetteville," said Inframark Chief Executive Officer Steve Meininger. "Inframark is focused on long-term success, founded in clear, transparent communication, operational excellence and elevated customer service. Our team is dedicated to environmental compliance, asset protection and sustainable processes. We will bring this best-in-class mentality and superior service commitment to the Fayetteville community from Day One."

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City of Fayetteville Utilities Director Tim Nyander echoes that sentiment. "Fayetteville's Utilities Department is excited to have Inframark join our team – their deep level of experience was a key selection factor," expresses Nyander. "Additionally, Inframark brings an exceptional level of energy to the project that the City has been looking for. We look forward to the new year, and we anticipate great things to come."

About Inframark

Inframark, LLC ( is an industry-leading applied technology and solutions firm focused on water and wastewater contract operations and maintenance across the U.S. By integrating automation and intelligent data solutions in water and wastewater operations and maintenance, management of community infrastructure, and data systems integration, Inframark can provide unparalleled service. With over 40 years of experience managing water-related infrastructure, the company employs approximately 3,000 people, serving over 400 clients in 30 states. Inframark manages facilities that can treat a billion gallons of drinking water and wastewater daily.

Media Contact
Linde Miscio

Source: Inframark
Filed Under: Government

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