Long Beach Launches Interactive Digital Timeline Showcasing Local Homelessness Emergency Response Efforts
The Californer/10254205

Long Beach, CA ~ The City of Long Beach has launched an interactive digital timeline to showcase their emergency response efforts to address homelessness. The timeline, available at longbeach.gov/homelessness/emergency-response-timeline, is categorized by month and includes interactive hover features that share the dates of significant activities, City Council updates, community livestreams and press conferences, as well as photos, videos and links to more information and resources.

Mayor Rex Richardson said "Part of our 'all in' approach is providing the public with updates and information in an easily accessible and visually comprehensive way." The timeline showcases an assortment of enhanced efforts and initiatives undertaken from Jan. 10 through Aug. 31, 2023, and will continue to be updated throughout the emergency proclamation period.

Health Department Director Kelly Colopy said "We're incredibly proud of the work we have done under the emergency proclamation. From increasing the number of shelter beds to enhanced street outreach and everything in between, the digital timeline offers an interactive look at the hard work our team has done to provide life-changing services and connections to resources for people experiencing homelessness."

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The events listed are in alignment with the City's established immediate- and short-term goals and focus areas associated with the emergency, as well as key milestones, goals and other achievements under the emergency. For more information on the City's efforts to reduce homelessness in Long Beach people may visit longbeach.gov/homelessness or follow @lbhealthdept or @longbeachcity on social media using hashtag #EveryoneHomeLB.

The City of Long Beach has taken action under its emergency proclamation to address homelessness by launching an interactive digital timeline that provides a visual representation of their efforts. The timeline is categorized by month with interactive hover features that share dates of significant activities, City Council updates, community livestreams and press conferences along with photos, videos and links for more information about resources available for those experiencing homelessness. Mayor Rex Richardson said "Part of our 'all in' approach is providing the public with updates and information in an easily accessible way." Health Department Director Kelly Colopy added "We're incredibly proud of the work we have done under the emergency proclamation." The events listed are aligned with immediate-and short-term goals associated with this emergency along with key milestones achieved during this period which will continue to be updated throughout its duration. People can find out more about these efforts by visiting longbeach.gov/homelessness or following @lbhealthdept or @longbeachcity on social media using hashtag #EveryoneHomeLB

Filed Under: Government, City

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