Alaysia Simmons The New Teen Sensation!
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FREMONT, Calif. - Californer -- In her debut film, titled DiDi, Alaysia Simmons nailed her character, so well that movie critics are projecting her to be the next teen acting sensation. The Sundance Film Festival double award winner, DiDi, was filled with a cast of first time young actors, and Alaysia's performance caught the eyes of many. Being a young African American teen in a smash hit film could be overwhelming for some, but Alaysia is handling her sudden stardom very humbly.
Alaysia, is called Lay Lay by her school friends, and is a straight "A" student. She speaks Madarin, Japenese, and is currently studying French at her high school. She is beautiful, and very passionate about her acting career. Our team was impressed by how well she conducted interviews during the press filled DiDi film premier.

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There is no doubt that the projections of Alaysia being the next big teen acting sensation are accurate. She is a young actress that we look forward in seeing in television shows and many more films. Keep your eyes open for this new upcoming acting superstar and sensation!

Source: AGED
Filed Under: Film

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